
A dual cannulation of free-swimming rainbow trout is used to estimate the metabolic clearance rate (MCR) of Estradiol-17β (E 2-17β) by both single injection and constant infusion methods. It is shown that E 2-17β MCR changes significantly during the progress of oogenesis, mainly at the end of the sexual cycle. The same changes in MCR and very similar values are found with both single injection and constant infusion methods: MCR is stable (28.8 ml/hr/kg) from the postovulation period (throughout endogenous vitellogenesis) to early exogenous vitellogenesis. It decreases significantly during advanced exogenous vitellogenesis (18.7 ml/hr/kg) and increases clearly at the onset of oocyte maturation (40.9 ml/hr/ kg). A direct relationship between MCR and plasma E 2-17β occurs: Plasma E 2-17β levels increase (advanced exogenous vitellogenesis) when MCR decreases. Then estradiol decline takes place at the same time that MCR reaches its highest values (oocyte maturation). An increase in MCR is probably one event required to allow the establishment of an appropriate hormonal environment for oocyte maturation.

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