
ABSTRACT This article highlights the contemporary significance of Jas 4:13–17 to business and commercial pursuits. The first part summarizes modern biblical and theological scholarship on the scriptural passage. The discussion highlights areas of convergence within different Christian traditions by examining the work of commentators writing from a variety of Christian backgrounds. The second part offers a treatment of the passage within the wider context of the epistle. Drawing from modern commentary, this part of the essay also elaborates on the relationship between faith and secular pursuits envisioned by the James text. Particular focus is directed toward concerns pertaining to the separation of faith from commercial affairs expressed in two recent Roman Catholic magisterial works, Benedict XVI's Caritas in Veritate and the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace document titled Vocation of the Business Leader: A Reflection. The third part extends the discussion in the second part by tracing some further parallels between Jas 4:13–17 and portions of Benedict XVI's Caritas in Veritate.

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