
The chromosomal mercury resistance (mer) region of the acidophilic bacterium Thiobacillus T3.2 was cloned, characterized, and compared to reported homologous sequences. The Thiobacillus T3.2 mer resistance system is organized as an operon that transcribes into a polycistronic mRNA encoding the Hg2+ ion transport MerT and MerP proteins and the mercuric reductase MerA. In contrast to the Thiobacillus ferrooxidans mer determinant, no merC gene was detected. Transcription of structural genes is regulated by the product of the regulatory merR gene. On the basis of sequence data and expression experiments in E. coli, both merTPA and merR transcription units could be located close to each other and in different strands, with their promoters (PTPA and PR, respectively) overlapping the putative MerR binding site in the intergenic operator/promoter (O/P) region. Amino acid sequences of mer gene products were compared to their homologs. Some sequence features, such as the number and position of cysteine residues, are unique for the Mer proteins of this bacterium. Similarities (-10 and -35 boxes are 19bp apart in both PR and PTPA promoters) and differences (inverted repeats in the Thiobacillus T3.2 MerR-binding site are 2bp shorter than in Thiobacillus ferrooxidans) exist between the O/P intergenic regions of both Thiobacilli. In vivo experiments showed inducible expression of mercury resistance in E. coli cells transformed with the entire Thiobacillus T3.2 mer genetic determinant (structural plus regulatory genes), and little or no expression in clones containing only the structural merT, merP, and merA genes.

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