
Introduction: The postpartum period starts after giving birth until the next 6 weeks. During this period, women experience physiological and psychological changes that can increase the risk of health problems. Based on research results, several causes of health problems experienced during this period were fatigue, pain and stress, so efforts need to be made to overcome these problems. Another factor in improving the health of postpartum mothers is the role of other parties who can help mothers overcome their complaints, one of which is cadres. The problem found among cadres is the low level of cadre knowledge about postpartum maternal health. Objectives: The aim of this community partnership program is to empower cadres by providing training to improve the health of postpartum mothers. Method: This community partnership program will be implemented in the Babakan sub-district, Surabaya, Bandung City from March to October 2023. The partners in this activity are cadres and families. The implementation of this program takes the form of assisting cadres in 14 activities containing basic postpartum material, theory and practice of effleurage massage as well as health education material. Before and after taking part in the enrichment material, cadre knowledge is measured, then practice and assessment are carried out using an effleurage massage checklist and a health education activity assessment list. Result: The result of this activity is increased knowledge of cadres and families regarding the health of postpartum mothers, cadres are able to provide health education and also cadres and families are able to perform Effleurage massage on postpartum mothers. Conclusion: Community partnership programs through cadre mentoring are effective in increasing cadres' knowledge and abilities in supporting the improved health of postpartum mothers.

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