
Critical consciousness is a powerful tool for individuals from marginalized groups to transcend their oppressive conditions through engagement in critical reflection, motivation, and action. Nonetheless, the mental health benefits and costs of critical consciousness have received limited research attention. The present study utilized a longitudinal research design to explore the positive and negative relationships between critical consciousness and mental health among sexual minority individuals in different developmental stages. A total of 636 sexual minority individuals were involved in the baseline study and were asked to complete a follow-up questionnaire after one year. The results demonstrated a co-occurrence of positive and negative effects of critical consciousness on mental health among sexual minority individuals across time. On the one hand, critical consciousness was associated with better mental health outcomes through the mediation of internalized oppression and community connectedness. Specifically, critical consciousness was associated with reduced internalized oppression, which in turn was linked to lower levels of emotional distress. Critical consciousness was also associated with heightened levels of community connectedness, which in turn was associated with improved well-being. On the other hand, the results revealed a positive direct effect of critical consciousness on emotional distress, after controlling for internalized oppression and community connectedness. Notably, developmental stage moderated the relationship between critical consciousness and well-being. A negative association between critical consciousness and well-being was observed among sexual minority youth, whereas no such association was found among sexual minority adults. While the study highlights that critical consciousness can be a pedagogical and therapeutic tool for the liberation and empowerment of sexual minority individuals, it is equally important to acknowledge the potential risks associated with critical consciousness. Striking a balance between critical consciousness and self-care is crucial for sustaining meaningful engagement in the pursuit of social change.

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