
Abstract The Mediterranean fruit fly (Mediterranean fruit fly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), is a key pest of citrus fruit (Sapindales: Rutaceae), and can infect over 300 other economically important fruit-bearing plant species globally. The Mediterranean fruit fly moves to different hosts continuously and has 8–10 overlapping generations a year in Egypt. The female lays the eggs under the fruit peel and hatched larvae use anterior mouth hooks to vigorously feed on fruit flesh until they reach the third and last instar. As tens of eggs are often deposited in a single spot, the fruit becomes juicy and inedible. Larval infection and feeding also facilitate the entry of fungi and microbes that can rot the fruit. Infestation of citrus orchards can result in significant annual losses in crop size and quality. As a quarantine pest with high reproductive potential and dispersive ability, the Mediterranean fruit fly is difficult to manage and poses a major threat to Egyptian citrus export because of concerns over infection or pesticide residues. This review discusses the current state of research on Mediterranean fruit fly biology and ecology as well as host fruit production practices from the standpoint of pest management. Integrated pest management programs consisting of regulatory, cultural, chemical, genetic, and biological control methods that are currently the most effective strategies for Mediterranean fruit fly control are also described.

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