
The authors of this study discovered in annals of history the "Oath" of the Portuguese physician Amatus Lusitanus (1511-1568) and translated it into Russian for the first time. The mentioned historical document represents a sort of Code of Honor of European physician of XVI century that both took in ethical norms of Hippocrates and determined one's own rules of doctoring. The ethical principles of Amatus are akin Hippocrates' ones and they are in parallel on seven positions. However, the "Oath" of A. Lusitanus also includes other aspects of medical ethics that are completely organic to the very personality of author and distinguish themselves by courage and novelty for its time. To mention reward of physician for one's labor, difficulties and hardships falling on representatives of medical profession, theme of glorification and exaltation of physician and and medical tolerance. Amatus Lusitanus can be considered as a precursor of initiation of tolerance in European medical ethics that he anticipated with his "Oath".

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