
Many studies have identified a general connection between perfectionism and depression. Particularly, the social disconnection model (Hewitt et al., 2006) states that socially prescribed perfectionism leads to depression through the felt sense of isolation. Although Korea has collectivist cultures emphasizing group goals over individual desires, no study examines this association in Korean culture. Additionally, past research has examined whether perfectionism is associated with low self-esteem and low mattering respectively. However, research has not examined how self-esteem functions with mattering in the link between perfectionism and depression. To examine these associations in Korean culture, this study implemented a preparatory study to develop the Korean version of Mattering Scale based on the scale developed by Elliott and his colleagues (Elliott et al., 2004). This study investigated the double-mediation effect of mattering and self-esteem on the relationship between perfectionism and depression. Mattering is a precedent variable for self-esteem in the link between perfectionism and depression. The present study suggests that perfectionists perceive that they are not important to others as well as that others do not care about them. These negative perceptions influence their self-esteem. These findings thus contribute to an explanation as to why perfectionists are vulnerable to depression.

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