
Media and democracy - key debates: fourth branch of fourth rate? - the press's failure to live up the founders' expectations, T. Patterson on evaluating news media performance, Jack M. McLeod a guard dog perspective on the role of the media, George A. Donohue, Phillip J. Tichenor and Clarice N. Olien the US media - supermarket or assembly line?, B.H. Bagdikian structural transformations of the public sphere, John Keane public service broadcasting and modern public life, Paddy Scannell. Part 2 Professional journalism - towards universal norms: professional roles in journalism - the gatekeeper and the advocate, Morris Janowitz the gatekeeper - a case study in the selection of news, David Manning White objectivity as strategic ritual, Gaye Tuchman the sacred side of professional journalism, Thorbjorn Broddason subjective objectivity - how journalists in four countries define a key term of their profession, Wolfgang, Donsbach and Bettina Klett the radical changes needed to remedy TV's bias against understanding, John Birt and Peter Jay making journalism more public, Jay Rosen. Part 3 News - the anatomy of content: new frames, political cynicism and media cynicism, Joseph Cappella and Kathleen Hall Jamieson hidden conflicts and journalistic norms - the case of self-coverage, Joseph Turrow the end of journalism? - notes on watching the war, Elihu Katz accidental news - the great oil spill as local occurrence and national event, H. Molotch and M. Lester disdaining the news, Mark R. Levy sound bite news - television coverage of elections 1968-88, Daniel C. Hallin. Part 4 Media and journalism - new challenges in a changing world: new roles for public television in western Europe - challenges and prospects, J.G. Blumler and W. Hoffmann-Riem the popular press and political democracy, Colin Sparks media within and without the state - press freedom in Eastern Europe, Karol Jakubowicz media, the political order and national identity, Philip Schlesinger a new map of censorship, Ronald Dworkin the Internet as mass medium, Merrill Morris and Christine Ogan missing links in the evolution of electronic democratization, Kenneth L. Hacker the fight for eyeballs, John Sutherland.

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