
OVER THEIR DEAD BODIES, by Thomas Mann and Janet Creme, Brattleboro, Vermont: The Stephen Crecne Press, 1962, hardbound, $5.95. ISBN 0-8289-001 7-5. Reviewed by Sandra L Bertman, University of Massachusetts Medical School.THE JEWISH WAY IN DEATH AND MOURNING, by Maurice Lamm, New York: Jonathan David Publishers, 1969 (rev. ed., 1972), + 285 pages, hardbound, $6.95; paperbound, $3.95, ISBN 0-8246-0041-X hardbound; 0-8246-01 26-2 softbound. Reviewed by Paul K. Chafetz, Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Florida.DYING AND DEATH: A Clinical Guide for Caregivers, edited by David Barton, M.D. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1977, 256 pages, soft cover, $14.95, ISBN 0-683-00440-9. Reviewed by Ruth Reko. Continuing Care Unit, Lutheran Medical Center, St. Louis.YOU CANNOT DIE, by Ian Currie, Toronto: Methuen, 1978,288 pages, $9.95. hardbound, ISBN 0458-95750-0. Reviewed by Richard Lonetto. University of GuelphAudiovisual Reviews: COMING TO TERMS WITH LOSS A SERIES OF INTERVIEWSDEATH NOTIFICATION, Film, 23 min, color (rental $65/dc $395). Harper & Row Publishing Company. 2350 Via Avenue, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Reviewed by J. Eugene Knotr, Ph.D., Department of Human Development, Counseling, and Family Studies, University of Rhode IslandAFTER OUR BABY DIED, Film, 20 min, color (rental-free loan by Modem Talking Pictures Service, Inc., 2323 New Hyde Park Road, New Hyde Park, N.Y. 11042/sale $116 from National Audio Visual Center, Order Department, Washington, D.C. 20409). Reviewed by Andrea Parkus Patenuude, Ph.D., Staff Psychologist, Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston, MA 021 15.THE SYNDROME OF ORDINARY GRIEF, VC. 32 min, color (rental $50/sale $150). Videotape Library of Clinical Psychiatric Syndromes. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77550. Reviewed by Joanne T. Jozefowski, R.N., Ph.D., Director, Thanatology Resource Center of Massachusetts, Worcester.THE LIFE THAT'S LEFT, Film and VC, 29 min, color (rental $25/sale: film $S75, VC $225). Great Plains National Insauctional Television Library, Box 80669, Lincoln, NE 68501. Reviewed by Michael A. Simpson, M.D., B.S., M.R.C., Psychiatry, D.P.M. Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Temple University, Philadelphia; Convener, International Task Force on Death and Dying.

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