
In freight transport is constantly evolving in the world. An important role in development of freight transport is the increasing usually a speed to 180 km/h of freight trains. In multimodal transport, all the goods are transported in containers. Therefore, the freight is mostly containerized. Several containers in freight trains are transported on Rgs freight wagons. On Rgs platforms of freight wagons are bolts of which the containers are fixed. The role of these bolts is very important because when the train takes the curve or brakes ward, containers could leave the wagon’s platform. In this paper, we represented a Rgs Wagon loaded with two containers. We have to mention that the dimensions of wagon and containers have been made using original projects. Furthermore, we are approached the theoretical aspects referring to the clamping system. We set out to accomplish a through search of both the used bolt to Rgs wagons and new model of bolt. This research was caried out with the help of finite elements method. The design part and the study with finite elements were made in NX 12 software from Siemens. Because of these bolts types they following stress: normal, shear and von Mises. As a consequence, we deduced that the second bolt type is more reliable.

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