
The method of low-temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy is applied to study the state of water in the hydrated KCl powder and composite system KCl/AM1/H2O in air and with addition of hydrophobic organic substances. It was discovered that in composite system, which consists of the hydrated powder of KCl salt and hydrophobic nanosilica AM1–300 (the analogue of the protective and stimulating nanocomposite system «Ekostim»), presence of hydrophobic nanoparticles significantly increases binding of water to the surface. The result is that the water content in a composite is much higher than in mineral fertilizer powder. Upon contact of composite system KCl/AM1/H2O with hydrophobic compound imitating hydrophobic fragments of seed surface, the additional growth of interfacial water binding, which apparently occurs due to the free energy gain caused by breaking of water clusters in nanodimensional systems with hydrophobic and hydrophilic components, is observed.

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