
Studies on human engagement behavior whilst interacting with multimedia environment has now become very important due to the era of convergences of immersive technology in various digital platforms. This paper will describe a system to measure human engagement behavior in NORMA (Natural Observation and Reflection of Multimedia Application) experimental setting. The tool was developed as a Proof of Concept of The NEMD MODEL (Norma™ Engagement Multimedia Design Model) a renamed of An Engaging Multimedia Design Model that could explain the engagement phenomenon that has enticed the use of virtual spaces to complement its physical form. This paper is a description of The Measuring Engagement (ME™) Tool automated system in comparison to a system done manually. The system has proven to be a useful tool to enable us knows more about engagement and the phenomenon surrounding it. Findings could help us know more about engagement that may lead to excessive, immersive and addictive use of innovative technologies.

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