
Suffering can be made to serve us. Suffering instructs us, we can learn from it; suffering humbles us, we realize how futile it is to try and manipulate life to get out of it what we want, no matter what it does to others; suffering confronts us, it is not what we expect from life but what life expects from us; suffering shapes us, we lose our hardness of heart, we become caring and compassionate; suffering commissions us, commands us to take up our cross and live life the way it is meant to be lived; suffering inspires us, we begin to have a zeal for life; suffering empowers us, we more courageously take a stand against what is wrong in the world as we reach out to all those who suffer; suffering leads us to our destinies in life, in the area in which we suffered, we have gained an expertise, an in-depth understanding of the kind of suffering we suffered and a desire to help those in similar need: suffering frees us, we are no longer victimized by tragic events but have risen to a position where we can face and overcome those events triumphantly; suffering makes us witnesses for life, we bear powerful and inspiring witness to the fact that suffering can be triumphantly overcome, that life is and remains precious and is to be lived appreciatively and to the full.

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