
Preface 1. An Introduction to McDonaldization McDonalds as a Global Icon The Long Arm of McDonaldization The Dimensions of McDonaldization The Advantages of McDonaldization A Critique of McDonaldization: The Irrationality of Rationality What Isn't McDonaldized McDonald's Troubles: Implications for McDonaldization A Look Ahead 2. McDonaldization and Its Precursors: From the Iron Cage to the Industry Bureaucratization: Making Life More Rational The Holocaust: Mass-Produced Death Scientific Management: Finding the One Best Way The Assembly Line: Turning Workers Into Robots Levittown: Putting Up Houses - Boom, Boom Shopping Centers: Malling America McDonald's: Creating the Fast-Food Factory Conclusion 3. Efficiency: Drive-Throughs and Finger Foods Streamlining the Process Simplifying the Product Putting Customers to Work Conclusion 4. Calculability: Big Macs and Little Chips Emphasizing Quantity Rather Than Quality of Products Giving the Illusion of Quantity Reducing Production and Service to Number Conclusion 5. Predictability: It Never Rains on Those Little Houses on the Hillside Creating Predictable Settings Scripting Ineraction With Customers Making Employee Behavior Predictable Creating Predictable Products and Processes Minimizing Danger and Unpleasantness Conclusion 6. Control: Human and Nonhuman Robots Controlling Employees Controlling Customers Controlling the Process and the Product The Ultimate Experience of Control? Birth and Death Conclusion 7. The Irrationality of Rationality: Traffic Jams on Those Happy Trails Inefficiency: Long Lines at the Checkout High Cost: Better Off at Home The Illusion of Fun: Ha, Ha, the Stock Market Just Crashed The Illusion of Reality: Even the Singers Aren't Real False Friendliness: Hi, George Disenchantment: Where's the Magic Health and Environmental Hazards: Even Your Pets Are at Risk Homogenization: It's No Different in Paris Dehumanization: Getting Hosed at Trough and Brew Conclusion 8. Globalization and McDonaldization: Does It All Amount to... Nothing? Globalization McDonaldization and Grobalization Nothing-Somthing and McDonaldization Nothing-Something and Grobalization-Glocalization The Case for McDonaldization as an Example of the Glocalization of Something The Case for McDonaldization as an Example of the Grobalization of Nothing Conclusion 9. McDonaldization in a Changing World: Are There Any Limits? The Forces Driving McDonaldization: It Pays, We Value It, It Fits Other Major Social Changes: McDonaldization in the Era of the Posts Are There Any Limits to the Expansion of McDonaldization? Looking to the Future: De-McDonaldization? Conclusion 10. Dealing With McDonaldization: A Practical Guide Creating Reasonable Alternatives: Sometimes You Really Do Have to Break the Rules Fighting Back Collectively: Saving Hearts, Minds, Taste Buds, and the Piazza di Spagna Coping Individually: Skunk Works, Blindfolded Children, and Fantasy Worlds Conclusion Index About the Author

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