
In this paper we present MASTRO, a Java tool for ontology-based data access (OBDA) developed at Sapienza Universita di Roma and at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. MASTRO manages OBDA systems in which the ontology is specified in DL-Lite A,id, a logic of the DL-Lite family of tractable Description Logics specifically tailored to ontology-based data access, and is connected to external JDBC enabled data management systems through semantic mappings that associate SQL queries over the external data to the elements of the ontology. Advanced forms of integrity constraints, which turned out to be very useful in practical applications, are also enabled over the ontologies. Optimized algorithms for answering expressive queries are provided, as well as features for intensional reasoning and consistency checking. MASTRO provides a proprietary API, an OWLAPI compatible interface, and a plugin for the Protege 4 ontology editor. It has been successfully used in several projects carried out in collaboration with important organizations, on which we briefly comment in this paper.

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