
In this chapter we want to study those integrable Hamiltonian systems from Chapter III which have the additional property of being a.c.i. (the proof that they are a.c.i. will be given in Paragraph 4). They are contained in what we called the hyperelliptic case, with a very special choice of Poisson structure (namely the easiest one, which corresponds φ = 1) and the underlying space C2d should have a dimension which is twice the genus of the hyperelliptic curve. In [Van2] we called these systems the even and the odd master systems; the odd master was introduced by Mumford in [Mum4] while the even master system was introduced in [Van2] by a modification of Mumford’s construction.KeywordsPoisson StructureHyperelliptic CurveMaster SystemIntegrable Hamiltonian SystemWeierstrass PointThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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