
There are several options for the teaching factory program, namely smart school, tourism promotion, and digital ecommerce. The program selection is adjusted to the conditions of the school that will implement the teaching factory and the objectives to be achieved in teaching factory learning. Ecommerce is a teaching factory program that markets products with various kinds of online marketing. The basis for product-based teaching factory learning. Products must be sold in the market. Products marketed online. This study examines; 1) product teaching factory fashion design expertise program. 2) Online-e-commerce marketing for teaching factory products. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and observations. The sample is a vocational high school fashion design expertise program that implements the teaching factory in East Java. Observations were made by researchers and teachers to obtain information about products launched in e-commerce, and product e-commerce. Data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative. The results showed that the students’ products in teaching-learning were very good to be marketed by e-commerce. Products that are marketed through various online marketing and e-commerce, the results are more effective in reaching consumers and introducing student products to the wider community

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