
The coastal zones are characterized with the considerable variety and the specificity of the landscapes. Their properties and the structure are determined with the interaction of the water area and the dry land. Here the natural and the anthropogenic components of the landscapes come into the close interaction with each other with the useful (microclimate, energy potential of breeze) and the inauspicious (storms, costal abrasion, high corrosive activity) consequent for thelandscape structures and the maritime nature use. The determination of such interaction and their consequences are the aim of this article. The method of the analysis and the synthesis of the empirical data is determined. This is due to the considerable dispersion of the geophysical and the geochemical data by the branches and the spheres of the research. So, the collection of the diversified data, their processing and the interpretation have become the important component of the method. The method of the conjugate analysis of the components has given the possibility to catch out the dependence between the processes and the appropriateness in the “processresult” chain. It is studied out that the unity of the dry land and the marine components of the coastal zones is insufficiently studied. It is explained with the complicated character of the interaction between the coastal landscapes and the considerable versatility of theinteraction between the coastal dry lands and the water area of the seas. The fragmentary character and the dispersion of the primary information on the dynamics of the coastal landscapes complicate the process of the research of such interaction. It should be noted, that the integration between the theories of the research of the dry land and the sea is still weak. The main complexity is that for now the structure of the process monitoring in the dry land and in the sea is different and it does not promote the integration of these researches. It is installed that the different in the structure and the functioning of the landscape has been formulated in the coastal zone of the seas. It is caused with the combination of the natural factors (microclimate, coastal abrasion and accumulation, infiltration of the marine waters, salt metabolism) with the maritime activity of the human (fishing, recreation, sea transport, tourism). It has been proved that all kinds of the dynamics between the contrasting environments, including the coastal areas, we can attribute to the para-dynamics. The processes of the interaction of the dry lands and the water areas within the coastal zones are determined with their geomorphological, microclimatic and migratory components. They can be happened through the migration of the ions, the salts and their solutions, the display of the breeze circulation, humidity of the air, the migration of the living organisms and others. The variety of the interaction is heightened with the high dynamism of the coastal processes. It is caused the high variability and the dynamic lithomas, which are connected with the surfing and the increase or the decrease of the water activities of the sea water. The surfing of the sorting of the bottom sedimentary and the formation of the zones of the variegated sedimentary in the different distance of the coastal are happened. The move of the coastalmarine drifts along isobathes of the coastline slope is found, which on the dry land physically cannot be in progress. More intensive comparatively with dry land migration of the soil solution is installed, which slows the formation of the soil coverage of the coastal zone. It is installed, that in the basic of the paradigm lies the material, the energetic and the informational exchange between the dry land and the sea. The number of the multidirectional material-energetic flows and the transpositions is disclosed in the coastal zone such as longitudinal and diametrical. The availability of the hydrogenous, the wind-circulation, and hemogeneous interactions were analyzed and reinforced with the examples. The result of such interaction is the diversified formation such as from the features of the relief to the increase of the concentrates and the complexes of the living organisms. The features of the energy paradigms in the coastal areas of the sea are revealed. The large number of the energy flows is directed from the dry land near the sea.


  • The coastal water surfaces and the maritime territories are the important for the preservation of the landscape and the biological diversity, for the development of the traditional nature use

  • The coastal zones diversify the landscapes of the earth surface

  • Despite the main role in the nature and the economy, the coastal zones in the unity of their dry land and the marine components still remain not enough studied spatial structure. This is due to the complex character of the interaction between the coastal landscapes and the significant versatility of the interactions between the coastal dry land and the water surface of the sea. It is the weak elaboration of the methodological-methodical bases of the research of the para-dynamic interactions and the properties of the landscapes which are caused by them

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Приморська парадинаміка як феномен формування ландшафтного простору

У межах берегових зон ландшафти та акваландшафти більш різноманітні. Тут природні та антропогенні складові ландшафтів вступають у тісні взаємодії між собою з корисними (мікроклімат, енергетичний потенціал бризів) та несприятливими (шторми, берегова абразія, висока корозійна активність) наслідками для ландшафтної структури та приморського природокористування. Це пояснюється складним характером взаємодії між прибережними ландшафтами та значною багатогранністю взаємодій між прибережними суходолом і акваторією моря. Фрагментарний характер та розпорошеність первинної інформації по динаміці прибережних ландшафтів ускладнюють процес дослідження таких взаємодій. Встановлено, що у прибережній зоні морів формуються відмінні за структурою і функціонуванням ландшафти. Процеси взаємодії суходолу та акваторії у межах прибережної зони визначаються їх геоморфологічною, мікрокліматичною та міграційною складовими через міграцію іонів, солей та їх розчинів, прояв бризової циркуляції, вологість повітря, міграцію живих організмів та ін. Виявлені особливості енергетичної парадинаміки у прибережній зоні моря. Ключові слова: взаємодії суходіл-море, контрастні середовища, берегова зона, речовинна парадинаміка, енергетична взаємодія, Азовське море

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