
Summary In this study, Mozzarrelle cheese made from properly pasteurized milk without starter did not ripen well. When commercial lactic acid starter was used in pasteurized milk, even in minute quantities, extensive souring and overripening of the cheese took place. Regular commercial lactic acid starter apparently is not feasible for the manufacture of this type of cheese. Cheese of the Mozzarrelle type made from properly pasteurized milk with DK starter ripened as well as the raw milk cheese controls. The flavor and yield from these pasteurized milk cheeses were good and Pizza pies made with them were of excellent quality. Concentrations of from 0.20 to 0.5 per cent DK starter appear to be adequate for commercial operations. More fundamental information concerning the physio-chemical nature of this cheese would be extremely useful. In addition, ways and means to achieve standardization of procedure, particularly with the sub-dealer and the establishment of standards of identity should prove valuable to the industry.

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