
This paper describes the functions of the MSCC during the operations of the Columbus Attached Laboratory and the Free Flying Laboratory as part of the In-Orbit-Infrastructure Ground Segment. For the Attached Laboratory, MSCC payload operations coordination for European experiments within the Attached Laboratory and elsewhere on the Space Station Freedom will be explained. The Free Flying Laboratory will be operated and maintained exclusively from the MSCC during its 30 years lifetime. Several operational scenarios will demonstrate the role of the MSCC during routine - and servicing operations: of main importance are the servicing activities of the Attached Laboratory and the Free Flyer at the Space Station as well as servicing of the Free Flyer by the European Space Plane Hermes. The MSCC will have complex operational-, communications-and management interfaces with the IOI Ground Segment, the Space Station User community and with the international partners. Columbus User Support Centres will be established in many European member states, which have to be coordinated by the MSCC to ensure the proper reception of the scientific data and to provide them with quick access to their experiments in space. For operations planning and execution of experiments in the Attached Laboratory, a close cooperation with the Space Station control authorities in the USA will be established. The paper will show the development of the MSCC being initially used for the upcoming Spacelab Mission D-2 (MSCC Phase-1) and later upgraded to a Columbus dedicated control centre (MSCC Phase-2). For the initial construction phase the establishing of MSCC requirements, the philosophie used for the definition of the ‘basic infrastructure’ and key features of the installed facilities will be addressed. Resulting from Columbus and D-2 requirements, the sizing of the building with respect to controlrooms, conference rooms, office spare and simulation high-bay areas will be discussed. The defined ‘basic infrastructure’, consisting of standardized controlroom consoles, intercom system, video system, simulation system, timing system, public address system, office communications system and the associated networks will be presented with their main performance data. The D-2 data processing concept and associated interfaces is presented as well; although this portion of the MSCC facilities is unlikely to be used in later IOI operations activities the experience gathered during D-2 operations will be relevant for defining the Columbus (MSCC - Phase 2) configuration. A summary of the available budget and the allocation to the discussed MSCC Phase-1 facilities will be given. One chapter of the paper will present the current status and objectives of the Detailed Definition Phase (DDP) contract with industry. The last part of this presentation will address the planned implementation integration and test approach for the MSCC as a facility suitable for Columbus operations.

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