
Emotional prosody is fully embedded in language and can be influenced by the linguistic properties of a specific language. Considering the limitations of existing Chinese auditory stimulus database studies, we developed and validated an emotional auditory stimuli database composed of Chinese pseudo-sentences, recorded by six professional actors in Mandarin Chinese. Emotional expressions included happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, pleasant surprise, and neutrality. All emotional categories were vocalized into two types of sentence patterns, declarative and interrogative. In addition, all emotional pseudo-sentences, except for neutral, were vocalized at two levels of emotional intensity: normal and strong. Each recording was validated with 40 native Chinese listeners in terms of the recognition accuracy of the intended emotion portrayal; finally, 4361 pseudo-sentence stimuli were included in the database. Validation of the database using a forced-choice recognition paradigm revealed high rates of emotional recognition accuracy. The detailed acoustic attributes of vocalization were provided and connected to the emotion recognition rates. This corpus could be a valuable resource for researchers and clinicians to explore the behavioral and neural mechanisms underlying emotion processing of the general population and emotional disturbances in neurological, psychiatric, and developmental disorders. The Mandarin Chinese auditory emotion stimulus database is available at the Open Science Framework ( https://osf.io/sfbm6/?view_only=e22a521e2a7d44c6b3343e11b88f39e3 ).

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