
Well exposed, diamond-line cut, quarry-exposures of the Manciano Sandstone allow a detailed analysis of sandy, fossiliferous, nearshore deposits of the shelf of the Northern Apennines. The Manciano Sandstone is characterized by medium to very coarse, washed, fairly well sorted, lithic sandstone, with thin interlayers of sandy conglomerates. It displays two principal, rhythmically alternating sandy facies: (a) slightly burrowed (mostly Macaronichnus, Ophiomorpha, Skolithos) units, trough cross-bedded, locally showing possible tidal bundles with few whole Scutella (echinoid) shells reworked on foresets, or occasional large-scale (approximately 2 m) planar cross-bedded, bar-accretion units; and (b) slightly finer, darker-coloured reddish-brown sandstone units, heavily bioturbated ( Cruziana-Skolithos) ichnofauna) representing slightly more sheltered settings. Large oysters are present in near-living position in a few thin layers and, more commonly, as reworked, comminuted fragments in sandy layers. Many calcareous pebbles and oyster fragments are bored. Other fossils consist of echinoids ( Scutella), some balanids and reworked foraminifera and bryozoa. The Manciano sands were deposited primarily in a wave-dominated shoreface, containing migrating bars/ridges and affected by wave-induced, possibly tidal-enhanced currents. This tidal influence confirms the opening of the Miocene Apenninic Sea to oceans, both the developing Atlantic Ocean to the west and, through a long, narrow seaway, the Asian portion of the Tethys Sea to the east.

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