
THE increasing importance of the scientific or technical worker in industry was the theme of one of the most suggestive chapters in Prof. A. M. Carr-Saunders and Mr. P. A. Wilson's study of the professions. Despite, however, all the attention being directed to scientific management, whether through the work of, the Institute of Public Administration or the Institute of Industrial Management, the social consequences and implications of the assumption by the technical and scientific staffs of an increasing degree of responsibility for the larger industrial units characteristic of to-day have attracted little attention. Prof. Carr-Saunders and Mr. Wilson's observations, like Mr. S. W. Smith's subsequent paper on the place and function of the administrative and technical worker in the new forms of economic structure, presented at the British Association meeting in 1936, have largely escaped comment. Certainly none of the professional associations of technical or scientific workers appears to have initiated any action to meet the developments and needs thus forecast. The Managerial Revolution Or What is Happening in the World Now. By James Burnham. Pp. iv + 271. (London: Putnam and Co., Ltd., 1942.) 7s. 6d. net.

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