
International integration is an inevitable process, with a long history of development and origins, the social nature of labor, and the civilized development of human-human relations. In society, people who want to survive and develop must have a close connection with each other. More broadly, internationally, a country that wants to develop must link up with other countries. The 6th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (December 1986) has opened a new era - a period of comprehensive, thorough, and profound renewal of all aspects of the country's life, including the economic field, in order to implement more effectively the work of building socialism in our country. Entering the period of international economic integration, In the modern world, the development of the market economy requires countries to expand their markets and form regional and international markets. This is the main driving force promoting the global integration process. This study focuses on analyzing the management policy of the socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam in the period of international economic integration, thereby proposing some solutions to improve this policy in the future.

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