
In this study we present the evidence based management for patients hospitalized for UC with a special focus on the synergic approach of the two key actors of the inflammatory bowel disease multidisciplinary team (IBD-MDT): gastroenterologist and surgeon. Focused treatment by a specialized IBD-MDT and early involvement of the colorectal surgeon in the management of hospitalized ulcerative colitis patients is advocated. The colectomy rate has not changed over the years. Moreover delayed surgery after admission is burden by increase complication and mortality. Thus, it is pivotal to identify the patients who are likely to undergo surgery, by mean of predictors of outcome, and to not prolong ineffective medical treatment. The perfect timing based on clinical close monitoring is crucial. Up to 25% of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) may require hospitalization. The aim of admission is to evaluate severity of the disease, exclude infections and establish proper treatment while monitoring the response. During admission, the patient has to be closely observed for the possible development of toxic megacolon or perforation, which should prompt emergency colectomy. Up to 30% of UC patients will fail to respond to initial intravenous corticosteroid. Non responder or partial responder to medical therapy should be evaluated for timely surgery or could be considered for rescue medical therapy.

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