
Livedoid vasculopathy (LV) is a thrombotic skin disease characterized by episodic painful ulcerations of the distal aspects of the legs. Its healing process typically leaves small porcelain-white scars called atrophie blanche as a result of the occlusion of cutaneous microcirculation. The main goals of the treatment are pain management and the prevention of ulceration and of progressive scarring in the malleolar area. The therapeutic management is still a challenge, however, and most treatments were based on anecdotal off-label protocols. Over such context, direct oral anticoagulants (DOACS) arise as a potential treatment for this disease. This class of medications became an alternative from initial large studies applied on different pathologic scenarios regarding thromboembolic events. In that line, recent case series using DOACS, including rivaroxaban, started to emerge in the literature related to LV and reported successful prevention of cutaneous infarctions and ulcerations, providing physicians with a new promising alternative. The current report describes four cases of long-term recalcitrant LV, in which rivaroxaban monotherapy effectively reduced pain and cutaneous ulcerations in a few weeks of treatment without relevant side effects. The authors also review therapy management of the disease, focused on DOACS, and suggest a step-by-step approach to treat these patients, taking into consideration different resource profiles of each level of local health centers, the gravity of the cases, and risks/benefits for patients.

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