
Phosphorylation of p67phox was shown to increase two- to three-fold upon stimulation by PMA, N-formylmethionyl-leucylphenylalanine or serum-opsonized zymosan. Phosphopeptide mapping showed one major tryptic peptide for p67phox immunoprecipitated from resting or stimulated cells. In vitro phosphorylation of p67phox by isolated cytosol or mitogen-activated protein kinase also generated the same phosphopeptide. Results of cyanogen bromide digestion and HPLC–MS suggested that Thr233 was the phosphorylated residue. Mutagenesis of Thr233 to alanine resulted in loss of phosphorylation in vitro. In the present work, Thr233 has been identified as the major phosphorylation site of p67phox, which is situated in a proline-rich domain.

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