
Goal. most of the herbologists rarely classify their weeds. Some types of weeds are sometimes given only epithets. But it is necessary to divide the weeds into larger groups, and the most important thing is to determine them by their quantitative indicators and not the qualitative epithets.
 Methods. Field, analytical.
 Results. For 45 years the experience of crops inspection was mainly carried out in the Kharkiv region. In these years of herbological monitoring perfect methods were carried out. Previously the following prevalence groups were established: very wide, wide, moderate, small, and very small. Later another “moderately broad” group was added. In the conditions of North-Eastern Ukraine the main survey of the arable land, which lasted for several decades, has established 270 species. The weeds grouped the floral list into six parts. The analyses of the group respectively: very wide, wide, moderately wide, moderately small and very small found that the number of species was 1.9, 1.9, 4.4, 6.7, 17.3 and 67.8 percent. With the expansion of the weed list, in the group of very small weeds the percentage of species grew. In recent years some adventitious weeds have appeared. These are: four types of Abutilon theophrast Ved., Hibiscus trionum L., Diqitaria ischaemum (Schreb.) Muehl) and Phytolacca americana (L.).
 Conclusions. On which territory it is necessary to determine the types of weeds and their criterion of prevalence and dominance. In the list weeds it is necessary to distinguish six groups: very wide, wide, moderately wide, moderate, small, very small. A significant part of the weeds on the list are included in the of the very small ones. In North-Eastern Ukraine, where there are 270 species observed, 67.8% of weeds belong to the last group.


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