
Abstract. Introduction. Еxplosive lesions are one of the most severe and specific types of injuries in the structure of military trauma. A special role in the diagnosis of traumatic injuries of the chest belongs to the X-ray method of research, as the most accessible and fastest.
 The purpose of the work is to clarify the types and frequency of traumatic injuries of the chest, received as a result of a mine-explosive injury according to х-ray data.
 Materials and methods. The work presents an analysis of the materials of own observations of radiological methods of examination of 32 victims with explosive injuries of the chest organs who were undergoing inpatient treatment at the SI «Institute of General and Urgent Surgery named after V. T. Zaitsev NAMS of Ukraine» in the period from 23.02.2022 to 17.05.2023. All patients (100 %) underwent a digital polyposition X-ray examination of the chest organs, computer tomography of the chest organs was performed in 18,7 % of patients.
 Research results. It was established that the main types of traumatic injuries of the chest after a explosive injury are rib fractures (93,8 %), hemopneumothorax (93,8 %), the presence of fragments of metal density in soft tissues, in the chest cavity, in the heart (87,5 %) and a wound channel in the lung parenchyma (23,3 %), as well as lung contusion (78,1 %).
 Conclusions. Еxplosive chest trauma in most cases is combined, which significantly aggravates the condition of the victims, therefore, it is necessary to start an X-ray examination of severe patients directly in the operating room or intensive care unit. The main types of traumatic injuries are rib fractures, hemopneumothorax, the presence of fragments of metal density in the chest cavity and a wound channel in the lung parenchyma, as well as lung contusion.

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