
The purpose of the study is to analyze and systematize existing research on the history of tourism and to form one’s own view on the problematic of the issue. This is relevant in connection with the understanding that the development of tourism mirrors the historical, socio-economic and cultural development of society. The methodological basis of the article is the principles of methodological pluralism. A number of scientific methods and approaches have been used to the extent that they are adequate to the tasks of the research. The author uses a system of general philosophical (dialectics, objectivity, historicism), general scientific (method of system analysis, structural-functional, retrospective-comparative), and special (formal, comparative, statistical) research methods. Scientific novelty. The article substantiates theoretical-methodological, methodical approaches and developed practical recommendations for the balanced development of the tourism industry in Ukraine. Based on the study of tourism development trends, a scientific approach to the development of the potential of the tourism industry (based on the results of cognitive modeling) is proposed, which includes structural units of a specialized management center and support for the balanced development of the tourism industry. Conclusions. It is shown that the origin of tourism took place in distant antiquity. The formation of tourism as an independent organized activity occurred in the 1970s, this alternative type of employment was stimulated in order to stop the mass migration of the population from the countryside to the city. It is emphasized that the formation of tourism in different geographical regions has certain features, its development can take place according to the following main models: Anglo-American, Asian, Western European, Eastern European. Attention is focused on the fact that in many countries, the activity of providing tourist services is stimulated by state bodies and is aimed at supporting unpromising areas.

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