
Introduction. In 2021 the labor market takes on a new format. Under the influence of various factors, a new social and labor platform “Trud” is being formed. The COVID-19 virus pandemic has dealt a devastating blow to the economy and the world of work in all countries and in the world in particular, causing triple consequences for eco­nomic growth - a supply shock, a demand shock, and an international trade shock. Three main phe­nomena of our time - demography - XXI, globaliza­tion - XXI and "Industry 4.0" have changed and continue to radically change the world of econom­ics, institutions and the world of society [18]. Digi­talization, virtualization of the economy, its hybrid nature, the emergence of various modifications - platform economy, on-demand economy, general consumption economy, gig economy - transform not only the social and labor space [19]. Changes are taking place in the entire social structure of the economy and society, the classic lines between pro­ducers and consumers, workers and employers are being erased; the former polarity of relations and interdependence between the owners of labor and owners of capital is changing. Thus, the social stra­tum of the new digital economy and network socie­ty is acquiring the character of non-classical, atypi­cal, dynamic and unstable forms. The whole system of social and labor relations in the labor market is becoming the same. In the short term, in the econ­omy and society as a whole, under the influence of information and communication and other break­through technologies, the growth of the availability of digital infrastructure, certain changes will occur in the labor market, in this connection, the article highlights groups of technologies that will signifi­cantly affect it: cognitive technologies, cloud tech­nologies, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, Internet of things, Big Date, blockchain, quantum technologies, neurotechnologies, virtual reality technologies. It has been proven that technologies have already rapidly entered human life, radically changing the conditions of life, motivational at­titudes, and the value of forming the competitive­ness of labor resources. Thus, the transformations taking place in the social and labor sphere under the influence of information and communication technologies, network systems, other resources and institutions of the new digital economy are a com­plete, comprehensive transformation of values, mo­tivational attitudes, hierarchies, sources of develop­ment, resource structure, forms and technologies. interaction, forms and scale of employment, level, structure, income differentiation.Materials and methods. The study was car­ried out on the basis of the following methodologi­cal framework, namely: an integrated approach, a systematic approach, methods of comparative, situational analysis and synthesis, a method of abstract-logical assessment, a method of concre­tization, methods of detailing, typology, grouping, systematization and generalization, induction and deduction, methods of statistical analysis, graphi­cal method.Research results. As a result of the study, an assessment was made of the potential for intra-in­dustry polarization, taking into account the use of information and communication technologies (here­inafter - ICT). It has been proven that information and communication technologies replace individual tasks that are performed by people; respectively, in the market the share of highly qualified experts as well as low-skilled service personnel will increase.The proportion of workers who used ICT in their activities is identified. It was determined that in Russia the maximum number of workers who used ICT in their professional activities were employed in the fields of information and telecommunica­tions, as well as scientific and technical activities. Indicators of the share of workers who used ICTs that were close to the average for Russia were noted in industry, the minimum use of ICTs was in the field of transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities, in the field of water supply. As a result, this made it possible to identify a number of enter­prises with the maximum potential for introducing the latest breakthrough technologies and for refor­matting the structure of the employed population.Discussion and conclusion. The role of the skills and competencies of workers necessary for the formation of competitive labor resources and over­coming various challenges in the labor market is revealed. A core of skills and competencies for effec­tive employment is proposed based on the O*NET content model. It has been proved that promoting the development of non-routine skills is the most relevant strategy for the formation of the competi­tiveness of labor resources in the context of digital and post-viral trends in the transformation of so­ciety. Non-routine social skills related to employee interpersonal interactions and social perception are complemented by ICT applications, with the aim of empowering human capabilities with technology.


  • In 2021 the labor market takes on a new format

  • It has been proven that information and communication technologies replace individual tasks that are performed by people; respectively, in the market the share of highly qualified experts as well as low-skilled service personnel will increase

  • A core of skills and competencies for effective employment is proposed based on the O * NET content model

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Преобразования, происходящие в социально-трудовой сфере под влиянием информационно-коммуникационных технологий, сетевых систем, других ресурсов и институтов новой цифровой экономики - это полная, всеобъемлющая трансформация ценностей, мотивационных установок, иерархий, источников развития, структуры ресурсов, форм и технологий взаимодействия, форм и масштабов занятости, уровня, структуры, дифференциации доходов. Выявлена роль навыков и компетенций работников, необходимых для формирования конкурентоспособных трудовых ресурсов и преодоления различных вызовов на рынке труда. Что на сегодня проблема управления конкурентоспособностью трудовых ресурсов, формирования у работников навыков и компетенций, необходимых для преодоления различных вызовов на рынке труда, недостаточно изучена и требует дальнейших исследований. Цель данного исследования заключается в оценке новейших тенденций трансформации рынка труда и трудовых ресурсов и выделении ее основных траекторий в условиях цифрового и поствирусного трендов преобразования общества

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