
The purpose of the article is to identify the main causes, tendencies and orientations of transformations of social-labor relations in modern socio-economic conditions. Methodology of research. The following general scientific and special research methods were used to achieve the goal: observation, generalization, comparison and analysis, abstract-logical method. Findings. The modern development of society and the transformation of the economy necessitate the renewal of social and labor relations. The authors rethink the essence and functioning of the system of social and labor relations in the light of international tendencies, which allows, by reconciling the economic and social interests of participants in the labor process, to contribute to achieving the necessary balance in modern society. The basic tendencies of changes of social-labor relations in Ukraine are considered taking into account the international guidelines that will help to form a perspective vector of their development. Practical value. The article defines the dynamism of the social and economic life of the country, which takes place in all spheres, which requires timely response. The authors’ proposal to take into account international trends in the contemporary transformation of social and labor relations will contribute to the formation of the necessary vector of their development. The implementation of priority areas for the transformation of social and labor relations should be based on the concept of decent work. In order to make it possible to focus on international standards, to ensure a high quality of working life, one should determine the system of measures necessary for their implementation. The dissemination of the principles of the concept of decent work for Ukraine is one of the priority tasks for the formation of social and labor relations of the modern type, the creation and functioning of effective jobs, the empowerment of workers, the development of their capabilities. Keywords: social and labor relations, socialization of society, competence approach. REFERENCES 1. Gejc, V. M. (2007). Strategichni vy’kly’ky’ XXI stolittya suspil’stvu ta ekonomici Ukrayiny’ [Strategic Challenges of the 21st Century to the Society and Economy of Ukraine]. Kiyiv: Feniks [in Ukrainian]. 2. Programa gidnoyi praci MOP dlya Ukrayiny’ na 2016–2019 roky [ILO Decent Work Program for Ukraine for 2016–2019]. Retrieved from https://www.ilo.org/budapest/countries-covered/ukraine/WCMS_470684/lang--en/index.htm (accessed 12 May 2020) [in Ukrainian]. 3. Profesijni standarty’ v Ukrayini [Professional standards in Ukraine]. Retrieved from https://www.kadrovik01.com.ua/article/3858-profesyn-standarti-v-ukran (accessed 10 May 2020) [in Ukrainian]. 4. Deklaratsiya MOT o sotsial’noy spravedlivosti v tselyakh spravedlivoy globalizatsii [ILO Declaration on Social Justice for Equitable Globalization]. Retrieved from http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/declarations/pdf/fair_globalization (accessed 12 May 2020) [in Russian]. 5. Vseobschaya deklaratsiya prav cheloveka : prinyata Generalnoy Assambleey OON 10 dekabrya 1948 g. [Universal Declaration of Human Rights: adopted by the UN General Assembly from December 10, 1948]. Retrieved from http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_120805 (accessed 12 May 2020) [in Russian]. Published: 2020-12-17

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