
An article has an interdіsciplinary character and is written at the interface of the readership, a history of the librarianship, a psychology, a literary studies and the some specific trends of sociology, among their number are a sociology of reading, a sociology of age and a sociology of migration. An author trys to research a development of the theoretical basis of classification of the readers in Germany during the last 100 years. A special attention was given to a description of scientific conceptions, which were developed after World War ІІ given. In the article are in broad outline numerous sociological studies described that were conducted during the 60 years. The author want to assume, that a belonging to the certain group of readers is a result of influence of the demographic, educational, political and social factors. A special attention is payed to the description of psychological factors that determine a belonging of person to the proper typological group of readers. Through the study of number of results of the sociological, literature and librarian works of reading was established, that the literary tastes of person, his habit of reading and a level of the interest as well an influence of environment belong to the subgroup of psychological factors. It was proposed a version of typology of the migrants- readers with a consideration of the forms of their integration, their information, social and psychological needs as well their relation to the reading of fiction both in the native language and in the foreign languages too. The author comes to a conclusion, що a problem of typology of the specific groups of readers, among the numbers the migrants and the youth people, is today not fully studied. Other topical trend of researches from the field of typology of the readers is an influence of Іnternet and other Social Media that today leads to the restructuring of groups of the readers.

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