
In the light of current scientific research, the problem of the effectiveness of public power remains one of the least studied areas in constitutional law. The purpose of the study is to determine the main scientific and methodological approaches and features of cognition of the public power effectiveness in the domestic constitutional and legal doctrine. Based on the formal legal, substantive, substantive, historical, dynamic, systemic and other methodological approaches to the subject of research, it was possible to expand the limits of scientific knowledge about effectiveness in law. The effectiveness of public power in the study is considered as a constitutional principle, a constitutional goal, a value attitude, a legal ideal in the modern Russian paradigm of public power; the degree of achievement of the goals and objectives of the state, their correlation with the socially significant results of the activities of public administration; the totality of power-public actions to be evaluated. As a result of the formal legal analysis of the constitutional and legal structure of Part 3 of Article 132 of the Russian Constitution, the constitutional principle of the effectiveness of public power is derived, which at the same time is a constitutional goal, which is to achieve the most significant socially useful result that meets the interests of the population living in the relevant territory. On the basis of a systematic approach, the constitutional and legal essence of the effectiveness of public power is revealed; the systemic interrelations of this principle with other constitutional principles of the organization and functioning of a unified system of public power in the Russian Federation are established.

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