
The categories of the population affected by the military actions in the east of Ukraine are highlighted. In the context of meeting the needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs), the key areas that require attention and resources are: housing problems; education and training; income and labor activity; legal assistance and restoration of documents; medical sphere; psychological assistance; social assistance and services; rehabilitation services. The intensity of the need for adaptation of IDPs to changed living conditions through the analysis of their adaptation features was studied. The need for understanding was identified as the key one. The need for social recognition and integration into a new social environment is also significant. It is pointed out that the adaptation of internally displaced persons to the new social environment is complicated due to differences in worldview positions between IDPs and members of the host community. The socio-psychological conditions for the success of social rehabilitation are highlighted, and the criteria for the effectiveness of social rehabilitation are defined. Аddressing migrant issues requires an integrated approach involving cooperation between different state and regional institutions. The United Nations Development Program in Ukraine initiates a significant project aimed at creating jobs for internally displaced persons (IDPs), which is an important step in supporting and integrating this category of citizens into society. The main objective of the program is to provide employment for IDPs through co-financing, opening opportunities for both temporary and permanent jobs. This approach will contribute to the economic stabilization and social well-being of IDPs, helping them to find new perspectives and rebuild their lives. Taking into account the possibility of remote jobs is also key, as it adds flexibility and increases the availability of work for those living in remote or densely populated areas. Overall, the initiative reflects a strategic approach to addressing IDPs, focusing not only on immediate assistance but also on creating durable solutions to increase their employment and social integration.

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