
The authors of the article consider the main directions of development of Russia's foreign policy in sub-Saharan Africa; show how the historical foundations of cooperation with sub-Saharan African countries were laid. Today, the African continent is one of the dynamically developing regions of the world with huge reserves of natural resources and human resources; the role of African countries in global political processes is also rapidly increasing, while developing countries are striving to create a multipolar world as opposed to the "rules-based world" imposed by the West. The Russian Federation as the successor of the USSR historically builds its relations with African countries on equal partnership basis, being guided in its foreign policy by the norms of international law. Such an approach lays a solid foundation for the active development of relations with African countries. From their side African countries are also manifesting increasing interest in hands cooperation with the Russian Federation, seeing it as reliable economic and political partner. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that it is necessary to activate Russian presence in Africa in the conditions of intensified competition for influence on the continent.

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