
The study included patients with a verified diagnosis of “Traction retinal detachment” (RD) in pediatric (50 patients, mean age 13.8 ± 1.1 years, age range from 11 to 18 years) and adults (50 patients, mean age 54, 6 ± 2.2 years, age range 19 to 72 years). The control groups included 25 children (mean age 13.1 ± 1.2 years) and 25 adults (mean age 52.8 ± 1.6 years) patients without pathology of the organ of vision. A comprehensive examination of the functional state of the visual analyzer was performed, including the assessment of clinical (maximum corrected distance visual acuity, BCVA), subjective (Quality of Life, QOL), hemodynamic (pulsation index in the central retinal artery, PI), electrophysiological (threshold of electrical sensitivity of the retina (PESR); threshold of electrical lability of the retina; critical frequency of fusion and flashing (presentation of a red object); photostress test) and biochemical (antioxidant activity in the lacrimal fluid, AOA; superoxide dismutase indicator, PS in the lacrimal fluid) indicators of the visual system. The data obtained indicate some differences in the studied parameters in patients with OS in pediatric and adult practice. In particular, a higher level of BCVA in adults was found (by 18.8 %, p < 0.001). Along with this, it was determined that RD in children is accompanied by more pronounced disorders of hemodynamic and antioxidant parameters, which is associated with a more pronounced degree of proliferative vitreoretinopathy and preservation of antioxidant defense mechanisms. The results of stepwise discriminant analysis of the statistical characteristic F, which determines the weighting coefficient of the relationship in the regression equation of the basic AOA parameter with each indicator in the general array, determined the following most informative indicators (F > 3.0) of the visual system of patients with OS associated with antioxidant protection: in an adult practice — BCVA, QOL, PI, PESR, PS; in pediatric practice — BCVA, PI, PESR, PS. The obtained similar results of statistical analysis for children and adults are actualized by research in pediatric practice aimed at increasing the clinical effectiveness of vitrectomy for RD based on antioxidant protection methods tested in adult practice.


  • The data obtained indicate some differences in the studied parameters in patients

  • it was determined that retinal detachment” (RD) in children is accompanied by

  • of the visual system of patients with OS associated with antioxidant protection

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Исследование было выполнено на базе офтальмо‐ логического отделения ГБУЗ «Детская краевая кли‐ ническая больница» Министерства здравоохранения Краснодарского края При этом в качестве анализируемых клинико-субъективных по‐ казателей использовали максимально корригируемую остроту зрения вдаль (МКОЗ, проектор знаков SC-1700, фирма Nidek, Япония), «Качество жизни» (по апроби‐ рованному опроснику «КЖ-20» у взрослых [16] и адап‐ тированному авторами настоящей статьи для детей). Биохимические исследования проводили для оценки показателей ак‐ тивности процессов свободно-радикального окисле‐ ния и антиоксидантной системы. В качестве базового и наиболее информативного биохи‐ мического показателя оценивали антиоксидантную ак‐ тивность (АОА) [19, 20] хемилюминесцентным методом [20]; кроме того, измеряли показатель супероксиддис‐ мутазы (СОД) с помощью системы «ксантиноксидаза — ксантин — нитросиний тетразолий» [21, 22]. Результаты сравнительного анализа показателей у пациентов с отслойкой сетчатки в педиатрической (ОГ-1/КГ-1) и взрослой (ОГ-2/КГ-2) группах. Педиатрическая группа / Pediatric 326,4 35,1 >28,6

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