
Research aimed to reveal the character of the links between main modern trends in the economy and society and the development of tourism as one of the sectors of the Russian economy, on the one hand, and the type of human activity, on the other. In order to realize this goal, the main trends of the modern Russian economy were identified: economic crisis caused by pandemic coronavirus; rapidly developing digitalization of economy; the growing influence of ecological component on economic development and the increasing role of customer orientation in providing competitive positions of business. The study of trends in tourism, based on the use of methods of statistical analysis, confirmed the hypothesis that tourism is the sphere in which they are most clearly manifested. In particular, it concerns the following regularities: tourism as a branch of the Russian economy has suffered the most because of the economic crisis caused by pandemic coronavirus; tourism is the sector of the economy in which digitalization penetrates most actively; natural resources of Russia create boundless possibilities for ecological tourism development; client-oriented approach in tourism is not a declared principle, but a real business philosophy in modern conditions; increasing demands of Russian tourists for safe.

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