
The Islamic revival in the Republic of Dagestan, which has been observed since the 1990s , was associated with a return to the historical roots of its peoples, the intensifi cation of traditional religious and cultural values, as well as the spread of ideologies and practices of pseudo-Islamic radical and extremist groups and movements. While traditional Islamic values contributed to the social and spiritual integration of the Muslims of Dagestan, the activities of religious and political extremists bolstered their disintegration. In this regard, traditional clergy, primarily the Muftiyat of the Republic of Dagestan had to form countering forces opposing religious and political extremism. The all-Russian identity of the peoples of Dagestan in this period was formed on the basis of the revival and approval of traditions, counteraction to extremism, unifi cation of the peoples of the republic on the basis of the Russian language and culture, common history, constitutional provisions of the state. The authorities, the Muftiyat and the intelligentsia of the republic played an important role in these processes.

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