
Although most nonprofit hospitals are required to conduct periodic community health needs assessments (CHNAs), such assessments arguably are most critical for communities with substantial health needs. The objective of this study was to describe differences in progress in conducting CHNAs between hospitals located in communities with the greatest compared with the fewest health needs. We used data on CHNA activity from the 2013 tax filings of 1331 US hospitals combined with data on community health needs from the County Health Rankings. We used bivariate and multivariate analyses to examine differences in hospitals' progress in implementing comprehensive CHNAs using 4 activities: (1) strategies to address identified needs, (2) participation in developing community-wide plans, (3) including CHNA into a hospital's operational plan, and (4) developing a budget to address identified needs. We compared progress in communities with the greatest and the fewest health needs using a comprehensive indicator comprising a community's socioeconomic factors, health behaviors, access to medical care, and physical environment. In 2013, nonprofit hospitals serving communities with the greatest health needs conducted an average of 2.5 of the 4 CHNA activities, whereas hospitals serving communities with the fewest health needs conducted an average of 2.7 activities. Multivariate analysis, however, showed a negative but not significant relationship between the magnitude of a community's health needs and a hospital's progress in implementing comprehensive CHNAs. Hospitals serving communities with the greatest health needs face high demand for free and reduced-cost care, which may limit their ability to invest more of their community benefit dollars in initiatives aimed at improving the health of the community.

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