
Seamounts formed adjacent to mid-ocean ridges are the most abundant on Earth, numbering several orders of magnitude higher than hotspot-related seamounts. The Taney Seamounts are a linear NW–SE-trending, near mid-ocean ridge chain consisting of five volcanoes located on the Pacific plate 300 km west of San Francisco, California. Taney Seamount-A, the largest and oldest in the chain, has four well-defined calderas. These calderas have clear cross-cutting relationships, creating a relative chronology. The caldera walls and intracaldera pillow mounds were sampled systematically by a remotely operated vehicle to obtain stratigraphically controlled samples, a unique aspect of this study. Changes in lava geochemistry are consistent with an open-system sub-caldera reservoir that undergoes periodic collapse, replenishment, shallow crystallization, and eruption. Replenishing magmas contain large, anorthite-rich plagioclase crystals that exhibit sieve textures and zoning indicating interaction with percolating melt. The enrichment of elements in the lavas that are incorporated in plagioclase (e.g. aluminum, strontium) provides chemical evidence for the interaction between mantle-derived melts and plagioclase cumulates in the lower oceanic crust or upper mantle (8–12 km), prior to magmas entering the sub-caldera plumbing system. Based on trace element variations, the erupted lavas vary from typical peridotite-derived normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB) compositions to those with an apparent residual garnet signature. Geochemical and thermodynamic modeling shows that decompression melting of a MORB mantle peridotite re-fertilized by garnet pyroxenite partial melts can reproduce the garnet signature observed in the Taney-A edifice lavas. Hence the magmatic architecture of Taney Seamount-A is characterized by the melting of a mixed lithology mantle, melt–rock interaction in the upper mantle to lower oceanic crust, and open-system evolution in a sub-caldera magma reservoir.

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