
Summary From the 15 lochs examined at altitudes between 9 and 267 m in western Sutherland and Wester Ross, a few areas of tall fen (with Hippuris, Sparganium erectum, Osmunda etc.) survive to indicate its potential distribution. Predominant grazed fen comprises patches of short Juncus articulatus and Carex nigra. Reedswamp is scarce, being dominated by Eleocharis palustris, Carex lasiocarpa and Schoenoplectus lacustris and, rarely, by Phragmites and Sparganium erectum. Floating-leaved vegetation was only encountered twice. Submerged vegetation to water depths of at least 1 m consists in the main of sparse Lobelia-Littorella with Juncus bulbosus, typical of the prevailing stony shores in every loch. Extensive Isoetes lacustris meadows may occur beyond that, with Potamogeton praelongus or P. perfoliatus stands in waters of alkalinities over 0·45 m-equiv 1-1, reaching depths of 3 m in Loch Urigill. Loch Urigill is unusual in having dominant Isoetes at a water alkalinity of 0·76 m-equiv 1-1 along with abundan...

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