
Abstract A combined analysis of cosmic microwave background (CMB) and Lyman a forest data can constrain the matter power spectrum from small scales of about 1 h-1 Mpc all the way to the horizon scale. The long lever arm and complementarity provided by such an analysis have previously led to a significant tightening of the constraints on the shape and the amplitude of the power spectrum of primordial density fluctuations. We present here a combined analysis of the WMAP three-year results with Lyman a forest data. The amplitude of the matter power spectrum s8 and the spectral index ns inferred from the joint analysis of high- and low-resolution Lyman a forest data as analysed by Viel & Haehnelt are consistent with the new WMAP results to within 1s. The joint analysis with the mainly low-resolution data as analysed by McDonald et al. suggests a value of s8 that is ~2s higher than that inferred from the WMAP three-year data alone. The joint analysis of the three-year WMAP and the Lyman a forest data also does not favour a running of the spectral index. The best-fitting values for a combined analysis of the three-year WMAP data, other CMB data, 2-degree Field (2dF) data and the Lyman a forest data are (s8, ns) = (0.78 ± 0.03, 0.96 ± 0.01).

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