
This work contains two papers: the first entitled "On the nature of some Euler's double equations equivalent to Fermat's last theorem" presents a marvellous proof through the so-called discordant forms of appropriate Euler's double equations, which could have entered in a not very narrow margin. The second instead, entitled "Some Diophantus-Fermat double equations equivalent to Frey's elliptic curve" provides the possible proof, which Fermat has not published in detail. After these two works, two sessions are provided: the former which clarifies the direct and extraordinary connection of the two elementary proofs and it is necessary if you want to understand how two different proofs of Fermat's Last Theorem are possible and the latter makes evident the nature of the "proof a' la Fermat". Regarding the first paper, a method is used that drastically simplifies Wiles' theory, a theory that has received much honors from the entire mathematical community. I report that the Journal of Analysis and Number Theory has made in part this paper (5 pages and incomplete): it is available online at this http URL. The author is looking for editors of magazines specialized in Number Theory and indexed by Scopus of Elsevier ed., or Springer-Verlag ed. (or rather a journal that is reviewed in MathSciNet or Zentralblatt Math), able to review and accept one of the two papers indicated at the beginning or even both.

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