
快速城市化的中国处于建构城市意义、城市秩序的关键期。城市是一个空间有机 体,是人类文明要素的空间化有机聚集;城市意义是城市有机体的伦理纽带,一个没 有意义归属的城市将充满风险、冲突频发。在建构城市物质形态的同时,使城市整合 为一个有秩序的意义共同体,是实现城市可持续繁荣的内在要求。重构城市空间,从 城市物性空间、社会空间、心理空间的整合性与互动性出发,建构合理的“空间—伦 理生态”,是建构城市秩序的重要现实路径;以社区、社会组织等为载体,合理推进 以意义为纽带的集体行动,是建构城市秩序的重要伦理选择。 关键词: 城市本性 城市意义 城市秩序 空间生产 城市正义 Rapidly urbanizing China is at a critical period in the construction of urban meaning and order. The city as an organic compound of space represents the organic integration in space of the elements of civilization, while its meaning provides the ethical ties that link these elements to form an organic whole. A city without a locus of meaning will be buffeted by risks and confrontations. The realization of sustainable urban prosperity requires the integration of the city as an ordered community of meaning at the same time as its physical forms take shape. An important practical path to achieving this aim is restructuring city space in a rational “spatial‐ethical ecology” based on integrity and interaction of physical, social and psychological urban space, by means of collective action knitted together by meaning and carried out by communities and organizations.

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