
In the northern part of the Argentine Precordillera, northwestern La Rioja, the Upper Paleozoic is over 4,000 m thick. Very coarse conglomerates from the basal section have not been described nor adequately interpreted. This work analyses this unit in the context of a stratigraphic revision of the upper Paleozoic of the region, and interprets the conglomerate as a rift deposit. The thick (>1,000 m) and coarse purple conglomeratic succession, herein named ‘Los Llantenes Formation’, non-conformably rests on the basement rocks of the region and underlies deposits of the first glacial record associated with the Gondwanan glaciation. While its great thickness and restricted areal extent indicate localized subsidence, the crude stratification, poor sorting and abundance of >1-m boulders indicate an origin related to high-gradient, low-efficiency alluvial fans. Their composition and coarse-grained size indicate local provenance, abrupt relief and incipiently developed drainage systems and a highly compartmentalized and abrupt paleogeography. A complex glacial history generated deep ‘U’-shaped paleovalleys in the Los Llantenes Formation, developing paleovalleys that accommodated basal lodgment tills and glacial diamictites with sedimentologic features comparable to the Cerro Tres Condores Formation (Visean in age) exposed to the south. The age of the conglomerates of Los Llantenes Formation, clearly preglacial, can be stratigraphically bracketed between the Middle Devonian substrate cropping out to the south in the sierra de Las Minitas and the Middle Mississippian, age of the Cerro Tres Condores Formation. Consequently, Los Llantenes Formation may partly correlate with the Agua de Lucho Formation (Tournaisian-Vissean) that in the area of Rio del Penon, immediately to the south, underlies the glacigenic Cerro Tres Condores Formation. Mapping relationships with limited areal extent, together with the great thickness of Los Llantenes Formation and the local provenance, allow interpreting accommodation in extensional or pull-apart depocenters, conclusions that are relevant in order to reconstruct the history of the basin.


  • The Los Llantenes Formation in the Precordillera of Jagüé (La Rioja Province) and the recognition of a rifting stage in the early evolution of the late Paleozoic basins in western Argentina

  • Very coarse conglomerates from the basal section have not been described nor adequately interpreted. This work analyses this unit in the context of a stratigraphic revision of the upper Paleozoic of the region, and interprets the conglomerate as a rift deposit

  • The thick (>1,000 m) and coarse purple conglomeratic succession, named ‘Los Llantenes Formation’, non-conformably rests on the basement rocks of the region and underlies deposits of the first glacial record associated with the Gondwanan glaciation

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El Paleozoico superior del centro-oeste de Argentina (~29oS) ha sido explicado a través de distintos modelos, incluyendo cuencas intracratónicas (e.g., Salfity y Gorustovich, 1983), sistemas de ‘pullapart’ (e.g., Fernández Seveso y Tankard, 1995) y marcos de antepaís (e.g., López Gamundí et al, 1994; Astini et al, 2005). Las sucesiones neopaleozoicas que afloran en la Precordillera de Jagüé, al NW de La Rioja (Fig. 1), pertenecen al dominio occidental de la cuenca de Paganzo (López Gamundí et al, 1994; Astini et al, 2005), constituyendo el extremo norte de la subcuenca de Río Blanco (cf Azcuy et al, 1999). La importancia de su estudio en esta región radica en que el registro estratigráfico neopaleozoico es uno de los más completos de Sudamérica, incluyendo espesas sucesiones del Misisipiano (Fig. 2), ausentes en el dominio oriental de la cuenca de Paganzo y en el ámbito de la Precordillera Central de San Juan. Su análisis constituye el objetivo central de este trabajo y permite reconocer una etapa de extensión cortical a partir de argumentos estratigráficos y sedimentológicos, complementados con evidencias de cartografía regional y estructurales

Marco geológico y estratigráfico
El Paleozoico superior en la Precordillera de Jagüé
Descripción y yacencia
Edad y correlación estratigráfica
Discusión sobre el significado y la posición estratigráfica
Correlación regional
Implicancia tectónica del marco sedimentario de la Formación Los Llantenes
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