
The Long site is principally an ancestral Caddo site dating primarily to the Early Caddo period, and the Alto phase, on Box’s Creek in the Neches River basin in the East Texas Pineywoods. A few diagnostic decorated ceramic vessel sherds and radiocarbon dates also indicate that there is a Middle Caddo period (ca. A.D. 1200-1400) component there as well, along with a mid-19th century Anglo-American component on only one part of the site.


  • This article is available in Index of Texas Archaeology: Open Access Gray Literature from the Lone Star State: https://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/ita/vol2020/iss1/13

  • The fine sandy loam A- and E-horizon deposits at the Long site are not as thick as in the representative profile described by Mowery (1959), with the thickness of the fine sandy loam above the clay B-horizon ranging from ca. 15-80 cm, and most having B-horizons at depths of less than 60 cm bs

  • The Long site was recorded in 1997 during the course of an archaeological survey of a proposed utility line right-of-way (30-35 m in width) for the East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc

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Previous Archaeological Investigations

The Long site was recorded in 1997 during the course of an archaeological survey of a proposed utility line right-of-way (30-35 m in width) for the East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. During the course of the archaeological investigations, as previously mentioned, a total of 136 shovel tests were excavated at the Long site: 102 shovel tests in the South sector and 34 in the North sector (Figure 8a-b; see Appendix 1). Several possible cultural features were encountered in the shovel testing at the Long site, primarily in the southern parts of the South sector (Figure 10), but not within the areas with the highest densities of prehistoric artifacts (see below). Views of the South sector at the Long site: a, looking east from the middle of the sector; Box’s Creek is in the background, running north to south; b, looking west from the property line fence; the dark green area is the marsh and the deer stand is at the southern end of the sector; c, looking east across the marsh to the South sector; Box’s Creek east of the alluvial terrace. Shovel test locations in the South and North sectors at the Long site: a, South sector; b, North sector

Prehistoric Artifact Assemblage South Sector
North Sector
Ceramic Vessel Sherds
Red Ochre
Grooved parallel grooved lines
Pinched curvilinear pinched ridges parallel pinched ridges
Temper Categories
Fine Ware
Ceramic Pipe Sherds
Burned Clay
Arrow Points
Dart Points
Alba Alba Alba
Flake Tools
Early stage
Petrified Wood
Petrified wood
Ground Stone Tools
Raw material
Modified Red Ochre
Wood Charcoal
Charred Nutshells
Burned Animal Bones
Animal bones burned animal bone
Conventional age
Not in clusters
Duren Neck Banded
South Sector
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