
HYGEIA, the goddess of health, daughter of Esculapius, was included among British lares et penates some fifty years ago, when the Public Health Act of 1875 was adopted. Since that time Great Britain has been a world pioneer in the achievements of its public health service. Attention was concentrated in the earlier years on drains and sanitation, but gradually the scope of the work of the public health authorities has widened. The results, as seen in the reduction of the death-rate to 12 per thousand and the consequent increase in the span of human life and in the health and happiness of the people, .have undoubtedly had a bearing on industrial efficiency and national prosperity. But much remains to be done. Official evidence before and during the War relating to national physique and the statistics of diseases indicate the need for sustained effort in the health crusade. Even the layman can form some conception of the vast field for scientific research from the wonderful discoveries of which information is published from time to time, such as those relating to the curative power of natural and artificial sunlight and chemical methods of preventing goitre.

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