
This paper presents a novel typed deductive database programming language LOL being developed at the University of Regina. This language effectively integrates important features in object-oriented data models, complex object data models, functional data models, and deductive query languages in a uniform framework. It supports object identity, structured values, complex objects, classes, class hierarchy, multiple inheritance as in object-oriented data models and complex object models. It treats atomic values, object identifiers, functor objects, tuples and sets uniformly so that functional dependencies can be represented directly and more generally than in functional data models. As a result, it subsumes most existing deductive database languages as special cases. The LOL language is given a well-defined declarative semantics that cleanly accounts for its object-oriented and complex object features.KeywordsLogic ProgramCompact ObjectComplex ObjectLarge Data BaseDeductive DatabaseThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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